
By: Nathan Bourgeois

Risk of Sharing Private Information online

Any activity that collects, stores, processes, generates, or utilizes information has a risk of being stolen
or misused. Any online interaction in which you provide your data, there is a risk of that data being exploited
for someone else’s benefit and your harm.

Storing personal information can have major risks, and you need to be aware of who you are giving your information
too. Hackers can steal your personal information, as we have seen through many social media breaks.

These risks can ruin people’s lives, and security should be taken seriously. There are many ways to protect
yourself from these risks. There are entire fields of work to protect your data, I will show you how this
can happen.

How can Computing Rescources be Misused and How can it be Protecting

Computing resources can be misused in many different ways. These can lead to you losing money, or even worse,
your identity. Let’s take a look at how this misuse can happen.

Misuse is any information that is used in a way that the user did not give specific permission for its use.
This means that every time you enter information online, the risk increases. Credit card information,
social security numbers, and your entire identity can be at risk of misuse. This is a scary thought,
luckily there is a solution.

Cyber security services can help prevent websites from being hacked, and your information being misused.
Not giving your data to unprotected websites also can help avoid this phenomenon. Any information you
give out has a risk of being misused, so avoid giving unneeded information. Those are some ways you can
protect your information.

How Unauthorized Access to Information is Gained

Hackers use many different strategies to access information. Guessing passwords, exploiting weakness in code,
and social engineering all can allow hackers to access your information.

Softwares can be made to guess and check thousands of passwords in minutes. This can allow hackers to quickly
steal your information and harm you. Hackers can also find weaknesses in the code of websites which allow them
to access all the data on that site. This can lead to massive data breaches, which can lead to millions of
dollars stolen.
Social engineering is another strategy used by hackers. This is most common on phone scams, in which scammers
target elderly and convince them to give them their info. This is a real problem and has left many poor with
no money left. Keeping yourself safe online is of the utmost importance.

How Computing Innovation can be Beneficial and Harmful.

Computing innovations can be seen all over the online world today. Ai has become an extreme revolutionary
innovation, and has both good and bad uses. Let’s take a look at how it is both helpful and harmful.

AI can be used now to research, explore and test new chemical formulas, and even do repetitive tasks.
This will revolutionize the working world and allow a better quality of life for all humans as we progress
in our understanding of this new tool. AI easily is one of the best things to be created, or is it?

AI has also been used to steal social security numbers, create new formulas for deadly gas, and create bomb
recipes. This too can be used for both good and bad, so it's important that we put restrictions on it.
AI has both the power to build and destroy the world. A perfect example of how computing innovations
can be helpful and harmful.